Thursday, 10 February 2011


This is my questionnaire I asked people. I asked more women than men as i know that i want my intended audience to be women. I asked 3 men as i thought that their ideas were still valid and they might come up with some ideas that no one else had.

2) How often do you read magazines?

From this result I saw that the majority of people read magazines 0-1 hours a week. This then gave me the intention that maybe the magazines aren't big enough for people to read more of, or, that people generally have little time or interest in reading magazines.

3) What music magazines do you read or would read?

Most people said that they read or would read Kerrang which is an indie magazine. With this being a favoritism i am going to create a magazine similiar to Kerrang but with my own influences.

4) How much do you pay for your magazine?

£2.01-£3 is an equal vote on my questionnaire so it seems like they are of an average cost up to other magazines.
5) How much would you like to pay for a magazine?

I knew that people were obviously going to say the cheapest price going so that is why £1-£2 came up top for this question. However, when asking people about paying for a good quality magazine they said they would still pay in this bracket but nearer to the £2. For this i think i might charge £1.80/£1.90 for it.

6) What colour scheme do you like?

Black and white was the most favourite but the second favourite was white and red. With this i think my colour scheme is going to be black, white and red so that it looks classy but has a brightness of colour with it. The colours also work together and will be easy and attractive to the eye.

7) Which name would be good for a magazine?

This was the question i was most nervous about because i was stuck on what to choose. I had a draw between Koko and Tribal which is the ones i was confused on in the first place but i think i am going to choose Koko because it sounds more feminine for my intended audience.
8) What is your favourite part of a magazine?

Interviews and quizzes/competitions came up most popular, followed by reviews. I did this question just to see what types of stories i could put in my magazine to make it seem realistic and relate to the magazine. I know definately that interviews are going to be in it as it is my two page spread and competitions are- for example linking to a festival- 'win 2 glastonbury tickets'. A review page about festivals and gigs will also be a page in the magazine just so its more realistic.

9) What is your favourite font for a masthead?

The second and last font came out the best for the masthead. Personally i don't think that the swirly font is typically good but i am considering using it in the double page spread maybe to highlight the artists name. The last font i am going to consider but i am going to look at the others and try them out to see which one looks the best.
10) What two fonts do you like for text generally?

I asked people what their two favourite fonts were just for general writing. I did this because i wanted to see what people found easy to read on the eye as their views will probably be different to mine. In the end 'Goudy old style' came out the most favourite and i think this because it looks classy but also easy on the eye. The other two favourites were 'Georgia' and 'Euphemia'. I think i will try to use all these so there is a differention of fonts on the page.

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